This is a Q&A that I also posted in Bad Breath Halitosis Forum, reproduced here for your information.
Q: How long did it take for your bad breath to improve while being on this diet?
A: It doesn't take long, probably 3-5 days, more or less?
But the thing is if I happen to eat any of the bad breath(bb)-causing food, I can get bb within a few hours, and I would have to stay on the bb-causing food-free diet up to a day or two, for bb to disappear.
However, please don't think, this diet must be insanely difficult to follow!! Remember God made so many different food in the world and the combination of food types you can create is enormous as well. We're so used to our own typical diet that we conveniently overlook other foods that we're not used to. Anyhow, once you're on the diet, it becomes a habit, and when the habit is formed, it becomes part of our normal life.
There are gluten-allergic people, lactose-intolerant people, (pea)nut-allergic people in this world as well, and many of them learned to live what they have.
So what should stop me from living without bb, when the reward is so great!
I've listed some of the food that I can have without worrying about bb in this post in my blog.
ok thanks. how long did it take for you to be 100% BB free?